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Dear Friends,
In 1999 I had an experience that changed my life. Former Philly teammates Kevin Sefcik, Rico Brogna, and I visited children on the cancer floor of The Temple Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia. Although these children were terminal, we were not greeted with despair and illness. We were greeted with smiles and appreciation.
Some experiences stick in your mind. This was one I thought about for days. It hit me. Just a simple visit from three major league baseball players created something magical in each room. For 20 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes that child was not ill. Physically yes. Emotionally no. There was hope in those rooms. Can I bottle those five minutes for the child and their family? I don’t know but how can I not try?
I know there are opportunities in your life to help a child. Embrace them. Do not turn your head. Help is in your heart – dig deep. My opportunity came on a hospital visit in Philadelphia. I have never forgotten it. It opened my eyes. It made me a better person. It took my breath but gave me life. Now it’s up to me – Now it’s up to you.
Thank you for your interest,
Scott Rolen